New Matilda gets all smug and sniffy. Like the last drunk at the bar who thinks he just said something smart and witty about breast cancer.
Time gentlemen.
The thread attracts this comment.
The mainstream media is either is run or controlled by Jews. (especially in America)
That's why you always hear / read: Muslim terrorism or Islamic extremists.
It is incorrect, The words can not go together. A Muslim can not be a terrorist. There is no place in Islam for extremisism. In other words, whoever practices extremisism, can not belong to the Muslim nation.
End of comment
This is an Australian left site that asserts its independence recently under new management that to its credit has adopted a liberal comment posting policy.
We get to see the kind of creature that informs modern left wing ideology, warts and all.
This blog, and another comments:
Posted Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 15:17
It is beyond me why NM and the Australian left is so viciously and violently Islamophobic (If in fact the word has any meaning at all)
The first victims of Islamist fanaticism and terrorism are Muslims and so it has proven to be in the case of Australia.
Over sixty Australian Muslims have been so iindoctrinated in this vile life hating ideology that they have gone to fight for the caliphate and only God knows how many Muslims they have killed, murdered and raped in pursuit of the ideals of their Jihad. .
That certainly looks like Muslim terrorism to me. Australian Muslim terrorism.
Of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Muslim terrorism in the world over 90% are Muslims. Even Al Queda murders seven times as many Muslims as non-Muslims.
There are many brave people in Muslim lands who are fighting to liberate Muslims from the grip of the death cults and to free the women from subjugation from the cradle to the grave. Many are women who have paid with their lives.
NM and the Australian left have betrayed these people. There can be explanation for this and for the position the left has on everything from "Palestine" to genocide in Iraq, Syria and Iran than sheer bloody minded racism.
Decent Australians who utterly abhor war, war criminals and mass murderers of children will eschew the war criminal, child-killing apologist, racist Greens and their SA allies. However you vote put the Greens last.
Posted Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 15:34
Igic writes:
The mainstream media is either is run or controlled by Jews. (especially in America)
Sorry but New Matilda should not permit racist anti-semitism on its pages. This repitiion of Goebels type hysteria needs to be condemned.
Furthermore lgic writes:
A Muslim can not be a terrorist. There is no place in Islam for extremisism. In other words, whoever practices extremisism, can not belong to the Muslim nation.
That might be what you say - but that is not the reality - ask the families of the beheaded westerners whether their sons were murdered by impostors - terrorists masquerading as Moslems. The same can be said of Christianity - a religion of peace according to jesus but how many millions have been murdered in Christ's name over the millenia?
Posted Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 15:47
"The mainstream media is either is run or controlled by Jews. (especially in America)"That's why you always hear / read: Muslim terrorism or Islamic extremists. "
You see, what we have here is a classic antisemitic Goebbels lie retailed by a thorough and likely born racist on an Australian leftist site.
This sick fantasy that the few million Jews left in the world are somehow a threat to the 25% of the world's populaion that is Muslim, is the most dangerous delusion of our age. Never mind climate change denial if that is something that troubles you in the night. You guys are in denial about something that hovers over you like a giant coal seam gas farting buzzard. .
You read about Muslim terrorism and Islamist extremism all the time because the bloody world is full of it. You can try to define it away if you like just as some profoundly bigotted and useful idiots sometimes try to define away antisemitism. But you still have to come up with a name for what is murdering all of those hundreds of thousands of innocent people, mainly Muslims, and for the base, bone deep and utterly irrational hatreds that drive it.