Attacks Against Israelis: The World’s Silence Is Deafening
Double Edged Racism
For "Palestinians" And Jews
The Western Media Drips It Like A Nosebleed
Huffington Post and Times of Israel
David Harris
October 11, 2015
For days now, I have been watching in dismay as Israeli citizens face random attacks, some deadly, by Palestinian assailants on the streets of their cities and towns. Children have been orphaned, parents have lost children, and some survivors are doubtless scarred for life.
I have been waiting to see whether Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, whose false claims about Israel supposedly changing the status quo at a Muslim holy site helped trigger the unrest, would seek to calm the situation or inflame it still further.
I have been following the journalistic acrobatics of some mainstream media, such as the BBC and The New York Times, which seek to avoid calling a spade a spade in reporting what’s happening, blurring the distinction between who are the arsonists and who are the firemen.
I’ve been observing the international community largely languish in silence or, at best, issue mealy-mouthed statements calling for “restraint” on both sides, hewing to the 50-yard line.
And I’ve been wondering, not for the first time, what it would take for the world to wake up and acknowledge — without equivocation, resort to moral equivalence, or diplomatic gobbledygook — that Israel, the lone liberal democracy in the Middle East, is facing violence that must be condemned unequivocally, and that it, like any other nation, has the obligation to defend itself.
It’s striking how, when it comes to these issues, some otherwise intelligent and thoughtful people in government, media, or think tanks, just shut down their critical faculties. Instead, they resort to a Pavlovian response mechanism that essentially rejects any possible legitimacy for the Israeli position and blindly defends whatever Palestinian narrative comes along.
In this mindset, if Israelis are being shot or stabbed, they must have done something to “deserve” it.
If Israeli authorities mobilize the army and police to stop the terrorism, then, by definition, Israel is using “excessive force.”
No matter how inflammatory President Abbas’s speeches at the UN may be, he is a man of “peace.”
No matter how many times Israeli leaders call for face-to-face negotiations with the Palestinians, Israel is always branded as the “obstacle” to peace.
Isn’t it long overdue to get real, see things as they actually are, and stop living in a world of self-imposed illusions and falsehoods?
Undoubtedly, some of the individuals who express these views, and the institutions they represent, are ideologically blinded. Down deep, they just can’t abide the notion of Jewish self-determination, even as they place the Palestinians on a political pedestal.
But there are others who hope to see a two-state accord, allowing both Israelis and Palestinians to pursue their national aspirations alongside one another, and I have no reason to doubt their sincerity.
Yet I do question their strategy.
While they do not hesitate to push, prod, and criticize Israel when they believe, rightly or wrongly, that Israel isn’t acting in the spirit of a two-state vision, they’re too often deafeningly silent when it comes to Palestinian behavior — including right now.
This double standard is the height of condescension or, indeed, infantilization.
By indulging the Palestinians, rationalizing their every misstep, coddling their leaders, going along with their unilateral steps at the UN and elsewhere, ignoring incitement and glorification of “martyrs,” and excusing every turndown of an Israeli two-state offer, these presumably well-intentioned actors are making the achievement of a two-state agreement less, not more, likely.
After all, if the Palestinians aren’t held to a higher standard of conduct (or are quietly believed to be incapable of it), how in the world could they ever responsibly govern a state of their own, and not become yet another volatile, undemocratic Arab nation?
And if that’s the prospect, why would Israel, already facing a region in turmoil that only promises to get still more so, now conclude that the Palestinian leadership can be a reliable partner for peace?
Read on at the link
You really do need to see this.
It explains in about five minutes what is going down right now in Israel and the terrorocracy that is "Palestine". Or if you prefer, the "Palestinian Terrorocracies".
This is important for us, why?
We are witnessing the opening salvos of what could become known as the Jerusalem Terror Pogrom Against The World's Jews.
And anyone else who gets in the way or who are easier to get at.
It is by no means the first of these pogroms and it will not be confined to Israel or even the Middle East. But we also know this vicious blind rage and riot against innocent people will be instantly gentrified by the Western media into the "Third Intifada" or perhaps something even grander depending on how many innocent Jews are caught at a helpless moment by programmed thugs of infinite cowardice, and slashed or stoned to death.
There will be a count of how many thugs are killed in defence from them and also civilians caught up in it by accident. We know this because we have been here so many times before. The lead will be a figure from somewhere of "Palestinians" killed and injured in the anti-Jew pogrom now being kicked off before our eyes. The figure will be in every media report, ...print, television, radio, internet. It will be on everybody's lips.
The media loves numbers especially on a day by day basis or even hour by hour.
Here's a fun fact. Every piece of information published by the media about "Palestinian" casualties and much else is sourced in Hamas and Fatah. Even what purports to be from UN agencies such as UNWRA or "Palestinian health authorities" or NGO's or Israeli "human rights" groups.
The groups that ordered the pogrom are the source of our information about what is happening to the "Palestinians".
Behind the pogrom? Tehran. There can be little doubt. Hamas and the Abbas ring are willing instruments but nothing like this can be ignited without more than a nod from the clerics with the guns and the gallows in Iran. They are now more powerful than they have ever been and they and Moscow will call most of the shots across the region thanks to nearly seven years of US foreign policy.
Why the slow killer riot now?
Why not. The "Palestinians" and their sponsors and bosses know they will be rewarded for this with recognition and moral and material support and their enemies will be sanctioned, isolated and condemned for defending themselves.
Besides they hate Jews and the thought of stabbing one seems to have an almost erotic appeal in this ugly ideology. Tony Abbott may have gone but the death cult is still with us.
They have come to believe that Israel and the Jews are hated as much in the West as they are in Muslim lands. Why wouldn't they? There is always plenty of mileage in attacking Israel cruelly and without provocation. That has its cheer squads right across Europe once again and they are always celebrated from abroad for their "courageous resistance".
From there flows money.
That is not bad for a bunch whose hallmark tactics are to hide behind women, or kids tossing rocks, or under hospitals and schools , or to strap bombs to other people or,
I could go on.
We are harvesting the first of the fruit planted in the field cultivated so carefully from the first days of President Obama. The sort of world that is about to be his legacy and our future.
How fitting that the vision splendid dawns with a good old fashioned Jew kill pogrom that could go world wide.
Watch this closely as it unfolds. We could be living in the fourteenth century.
MEMRI: Rafah Cleric Brandishes Knife in Friday Sermon, Calls upon Palestinians to Stab Jews
Now? Does anyone still think this is about the "settlements" or the "occupation"? At all? Even a little bit? One might be that gullible but you will have to accept that Israelis are not.
They know who and what they are dealing with and it has been a dangerous oversight for the rest of us to have not known. To have no idea. Even now.
This is important?
Because this thing is not confined to the Middle East. And even if it was (which is bad enough) there is little or no difference between the ideologies that the Israelis are confronting and those ruling and warring across most of the rest of the Muslim Middle East.
They hate us as much as they hate the Israelis.
Some say they hate us because of the Israelis but that is because the world is full of gut lazy bigots. They hate the Israelis because of us and for them this is personal.
Whenever these attacks are carried out in the West they usually try to murder a few Jews if they can, but this is hard because there are so few. In any event it is only symbolic. In the West any infidel will do.
This is a poisonous ideology that is dangerous to us all, because like all poisonous ideologies it uses hate to control and that is a literally a murderous combination. I stay out of the "is this religion?" or "is it Islam?" discussions. Not my field and not my business. That is a matter for Muslims.
Some Muslims definitely have strong views on that but ultimately for the rest of us it is irrelevant.
But know a Nazi when you see one. We should all know them and their collaborators on sight.
Nazis anywhere are a problem for all of us everywhere.